Counselor to address the continued high needs for mental health services and supports. 1.0 FTE Social Worker salary and benefits. 2021-2022

Motivational speaker and teen coach Jesse LeBeau.

Students will require extended travel expenses for the ferry/air costs associated with social distancing for student activities.

Purchase 25 windows to improve the indoor air quality in school facilities.

Over 50 participants in sum from the middle school, high school, staff, parents, and school board all contributed to the findings.  The interview consisted of five questions, including:

  1. What worked well during the 2020-21 school year?
  2. What could have improved with the 2020-21 school year?
  3. What are your hopes for the 2021-22 school year?
  4. What are your concerns about the 2021-22 school year?
  5. What do you see as best uses for Federal COVID Grant dollars?

Focus groups were conducted with staff, school board, middle school students, high school students, and parents in May and June 2021.  Local expert interviews completed in May and June 2021. Presentation to the HBSD School Board on June 23, 2021. Preliminary plans released to the public on July 1, 2021. Survey is distributed to parents, students, and staff July 1, 2021. Administration begins working on specifics for plans.  Review of survey data and analysis of current status August 1, 2021. Plan approved by the HBSD School Board and communicated to the public on August 3, 2021.

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted all systems in our country, including those meant to support students and families (like school).  These disruptions have created uncertainty, a lack of predictability, as well as exacerbating already existing challenges.  Since our school district was in person all year last year, we were able to identify student needs academically, emotionally, and holistically through our RTI processes.  Macro needs were identified through research methods such as focus groups and surveys. The groups of students most impacted by the pandemic are students from low income families; these students will be provided with masks and hand sanitizer. Students whose parents are essential workers; these students will be provided with access to a counselor. Students with special needs; these students will have the opportunity to receive help with their academic work in addition to their services provided.

The HBSD Smart Recovery Plan was developed using CDC, APA, Alaska DHSS and other health field related guidance to inform our decision-making in regard to mitigations.  It was combined with other data sources from surveys and focus groups to create a plan that protects student safety, the continuity of learning, and a measured path to normalcy.

The District utilized focus groups, RTI processes, and parent anecdotal feedback to assign funding to best meet student needs.  Since little or no instructional time was lost, we have used our dollars to support programs that will close achievement gaps, increase student outcomes, and support the mental health needs of our learners.  We have hired an MSW to complement our existing counseling program and have significantly bolstered our activity programs for students, especially at the elementary level.  Funding will also be used for our existing activities programs that now require extra expenses due to the significant efforts required for mitigations during travel.

In addition to hiring an additional mental health support professional to serve all students, free summer school was offered with a 100% increase in participation when compared to prior years.  Student activity programs were significantly increased for elementary/middle school students and none collected student fees.  These activities included things like: soccer, t-ball, running, and golf.  Finally, in collaboration with the Haines Borough we supported funding to reopen the community swimming pool during the month of August.

Our district partners with our local Head Start and the Chilkat Valley Preschool to provide support where possible.  We have assigned revenue to be utilized by them for things they identify to support the needs of students.

Ongoing systematic review will be conducted by HBSD administrators at weekly meetings.  In addition, our HEA Leadership Committee, Student Advisory Council (SAC) and student government will provide feedback on effective implementation and outcomes in order to make important “just in time” adjustments.  Our School Board will provide monthly oversight at their regularly scheduled meetings.