Perkins Results for HBSD

8 months ago

The Haines Borough School District is very proud of it's Career and Technical Program.  Thanks to funding from the Perkins Grant, we are able to provide training for multiple careers to our students.
Career & Technical Education Performance Measures 

Performance Levels: Districts using federal CTE funding are required to meet approved levels of performance. The first part of the table incorporates NCLB measures - Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) and Graduation Rates combined with CTE data. The rest of the table includes the other CTE measures. 

CTE Participant: A high school student who has earned credit in one (1) or more approved course(s) in any Career & Technical Education (CTE) program area. 

CTE Concentrator: A high school student who has earned at least two (2) credits in a single CTE program.