
2 months ago

Welcome to the Haines Middle School

The Haines Middle School, including 6th, 7th, and 8th grade, has an enrollment of about 65 students housed in the middle school pod. 

Students can participate in sports including wrestling, basketball, volleyball, track and field and cross country.

Middle School Hallway
The student population, of which approximately 20% is Alaska Native and another 15% transient, is divided into class by grade.  In addition to the middle school teachers, there are certified staff members in special education, physical education, vocal and instrumental music, art, counseling, and computers. Other programs operated through grants include Title I, Migrant Education, Indian Education, and Johnson O'Malley.  The teacher workday is from 8 am to 4 pm.

Teachers use a variety of multimedia to present lessons to classes.  Every classroom is equipped with a LCD screen (SmartBoard or TV), document camera, and a laptop cart for interactive learning. Students have access to laptops to use at school for classroom learning.